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Oxy, what? Oxytocin!

Not feeling that same closeness with your partner day-to-day? Low levels of oxytocin may be the culprit. So, visit your local Revibe clinic to learn if prescription oxytocin is right for you.

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When it Comes to Your Health, Timing is Everything

As we continue to age and our lives grow busier, we often put-up blinders to how our bodies are feeling. Males, in particular, often succumb to the social stigma that "real men" don't complain and should never ask for help.

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Keeping Your Love Life Revived and Intimate: Tips for Enhanced Intimacy and Pleasure

August is Romance Awareness Month and it’s time to reflect on all that’s needed to keep your relationship vibrant and full of passion. Now, more than ever, we need to pull together and maintain our connectedness to our loved ones as we emerge from the pandemic.

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Breeze Through the Dog Days of Summer

Merriam-Webster lists two definitions of "dog days." One is the hot, sultry period between early July and early September. The other is defined as a period of stagnation or inactivity. The former often leads to the latter, right?

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