Nicole Chrysler, PA-C

Honolulu, HI Provider

Clinic Hours

SAT: 8AM to 12PM
 *We Validate Parking


University of Washington


Nicole Chrysler is a licensed Physician Assistant in the state of Hawaii. She received her degree at the University of Washington and has over 20 years of experience treating patients for wellness and has a specialty in metabolic syndrome and obesity care. Her treatment philosophy is focused on prevention and focusing on treatments that allows her patients to live a long and healthy life.

Conditions & Treatments Offered

  • Low Testosterone & TRT Therapy
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Premature Ejaculation
  • Peyronie’s Disease
  • Custom TRT, ED, Weight Loss and Hair Restoration Medications
  • Non-Drug ED and Hair Restoration 
  • DNA-Testing and Wellness Treatments for Men

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