Sexual Health is Heart Health

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Erectile dysfunction may be an early warning sign of current or potential future heart problems. For example, it is well-known that early signs of cardiovascular disease often present with changes in erectile function and may include decreased erectile hardness or ability to attain and maintain an erection.

With National Heart Month upon us, it’s important to recognize the correlation between men’s heart health and sexual health. Most healthcare professionals suggest that if a man presents with no known causes for erectile dysfunction, he should undergo a cardiovascular screen to assess any potential undiagnosed risk factors. As a result, if you improve your heart function with the correct interventions, you will likely impact your erectile functions.

For men who have underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and more, check out these tips for improving your function in the bedroom:

  1. Get a proper medical evaluation to assess your heart health and screen for risk factors
  2. Treat diabetes, high blood pressure and levels of abnormal cholesterol
  3. Eat a well-balanced, nutritious diet of fresh fruits and vegetables
  4. Limit fatty foods, excessively sugary treats and alcohol
  5. Say “no” to tobacco
  6. Maintain a normal weight for your age and height
  7. Incorporate exercise into your daily regimen
  8. Manage your stress levels
  9. Meditate, slow down and stop to smell the roses
  10. Have sex-keeping blood flow to your penis on a regular basis is important to maintain good blood vessel function, plus men may also burn up to 100 calories during the average sexual interlude!

Most men have been taught to never ignore symptoms such as chest pain or palpitations—the same thing goes for changes in erection. It’s time to stop overlooking and minimizing changes in your body and take action today. By improving your daily habits and seeking out medical attention, you’ll be on the right track for a positive mind and body.