Now Offering Remote Consultation
Take Advantage of Remote Diagnosis + Treatment
Dear Revibe Men’s Health Patients,
We want to update you on the steps we are taking in our clinics to ensure we provide a safe environment to keep our patients and our teams healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing variant spread across the country.
We are staying up to date on the recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the U.S. Federal and state agencies. While information and directives are continually changing, we regularly follow rigorous daily safety, cleaning and clinic monitoring protocols to ensure the safety and well-being of you, our patients, and all of our medical staff and providers.
Please bring and wear a mask to your appointment. If you do not have your own, we will provide a mask that must be worn while in the clinic.
We ask that you maintain the mandated 6-foot social distancing when in our clinic to protect yourself and our staff.
When you arrive for your scheduled appointment, please inform the clinic staff of your arrival. Upon arrival, a member of our team will ask you a few questions to assess your potential COVID-19 exposure or status. Once admitted to the clinic, we’ll bring you to your private treatment room immediately.
Our clinic teams are screened for temperatures daily and are required to wear a mask while in the office and during all patient visits.
If any member of the Revibe clinic team indicates any possible exposure to COVID-19 they are required to go home and follow the same required CDC and state health department protocols for all healthcare and clinic staff.
We offer remote consultation appointments for most visits. If interested, you may request a remote consultation appointment for any appointment that does not require you to be in the clinic for in-person treatment.
We are here for you and will work with you to book the appointment type that works best for your personalized treatment plan and comfort level during this pandemic.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call our office.
Revibe Men’s Health Team
Frequency Asked Questions/General COVID-19 Information
What are the conditions to suspect Coronavirus?
People with COVID-19 have reported a wide range of symptoms – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus.
The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are:
- Fever
- Cough
- Headaches
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Nausea
- Diarrhea
- Recent travel from any area with high COVID-19 infection rates, quarantine rules or stay-home mandates in place.
- Close contact with a person who has or is suspected of having Coronavirus
When should I seek emergency medical attention?
Look for these emergency warning signs* for COVID-19. If someone is showing any of these signs, seek emergency medical care immediately:
- Trouble breathing
- Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
- New confusion
- Inability to wake or stay awake
- Bluish lips or face
*This is not a complete list of all the possible symptoms. Please call your medical provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning to you.
Call 911 or call ahead to your local emergency facility: Notify the operator that you are seeking care for someone who has or may have COVID-19.
What should I do to avoid infection?
Everyone should stay aware of the situation and take proper precautions. It is believed the Coronavirus spreads via respiratory droplets, such as those transmitted from coughing or sneezing. The ways to mitigate the risk of infection are similar to the preventative measures used to avoid catching a cold or the flu:
- Wear a facemask that covers your nose and mouth.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing, or touching any surface like doorknobs, light switches, or items in public.
- Â If soap and water are unavailable, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Stay home from school or work when you are sick.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
Where can I get more information on Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
Arizona Department of Health:
Coronavirus Public Hotline: 1-844-542-8201
California Department of Health:
Hawaii Department of Health:
Corona Virus Q&A Line: Call Aloha United Way at 211 (2-1-1)
Oklahoma Department of Health:
COVID-19 Call Center: 1-877-215-8336
Oregon Health Authority:
Coronavirus General Hotline: Call 211 (2-1-1)
Texas Department of Health:
DSHS COVID 19 Call Center: 1-877-570-9779
Utah Department of Health:
Utah Coronavirus Information Hotline: 1-800-456-7707
Washington State Department of Health:
Coronavirus Public Hotline: 1-800-525-0127
If you have any general health-related questions, please call your primary healthcare provider.